Imagination is powerful. I’ve always been a dreamer and thinker. As a kid I enjoyed playing outside alone, designing and constructing elaborate homes for bugs and frogs, climbing trees as the main character in my imagined story, and painting anything I could, including the driveway with house paint… (my parents will never forgive me for this one).

Now as an adult, my imagination, creativity, and movement has evolved to: exploring clay as a medium, trail running, and rock climbing. I strive to create functional yet playful forms to remind us of our inherent playfulness and importance of imagination woven into the complexity of adulthood. I began working with clay in 2014 in high school, and was fortunate to begin learning to wheel throw from an incredible potter, Steven Showalter.

I went on to study chemistry at the University of Minnesota Duluth while pursuing my passion of ceramics and running. I took classes in ceramics with the incredible Elizabeth James and ran on the cross country and track teams.

Now, I have been living in Boulder, Colorado for 2.5 years were I earned my master’s degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder while also taking classes in the Ceramics Department with Scott Chamberlin and Jeanne Quinn.